WSEICraft 6.0 & WSEICraft 7.0

I have twice participated in the WSEICraft 24-hour game development marathon. My team and I finished 2nd and 3rd on the podium in the 6th (1st game2nd game) and 7th editions of the competition, respectively.

Seasonal Assault

Seasonal Assault is a simple action game. The player fights with different types of enemies and tries to survive as long as he can.

Survive The Journey

In Survive The Journey player must find his way out of a forest.

Los Memoros

In Los Memoros, the main character falls into a coma as a result of a car accident. The player, going through 6 mini games in turn, restores the main character’s lost colors.

Just facts:

  • Both events were very exhausting
  • We had a lot of fun
  • I realized that I like hackathons